Mrs. Walter Rathbone Bacon (Virginia Purdy Barker), 1897

Anders Zorn

Mrs. Walter Rathbone Bacon (Virginia Purdy) wife of the president of B & O Southwestern Railroad (and dog), painted in 1897 by Anders Zorn, a painting said to have been admired by both John Singer Sargent and James Whistler when exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1897. ( The woman and her dog merge together to create a huge light colored triangle pushing all the way from one side of the canvas to the other. Everything outside this light area is pushed darker. I especially love the color harmony Zorn sets up between his glowing delicate yellows in the silk dress and the restrained blue grays of the floor. Zorn seems to have played around a great deal, adjusting his props to get the most powerful expression from his arrangement. One of my favorites is the yellowish cloth behind the woman’s shoulder that seems draped over the back of her chair. (
Uploaded on Feb 2, 2018 by Suzan Hamer


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