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Andrew Sterrett Conklin, a native of Chicago, Illinois, is a figurative painter. He holds a BFA from the American Academy of Art, and a certificate in painting from the National Academy School in New York City. Conklin received additional instruction from portraitist Aaron Shikler and painter and illustrator David Levine.
Personal Statement
My work, figurative painting, employs the genre of narrative, telling stories with symbols, characters and staging to capture pictorial dramas. Stylistically, my work fits into the tradition of figurative painting using traditional methods while frequently depicting this high-tech contemporary environments. I like the idea of using an old method of depiction (painting) to show a twenty-first century objects. I prefer to paint directly from life whenever possible, in order to directly engage, and draw inspiration from, the physical presence of my subject.
Current Interests
Technology, graphic and product design, cross-cultural interplay in visual arts and technology.