Illustration from The Red Book by C. G. Jung, Window Opening onto Eternity, page 159

Carl Jung

Quotes from the Red Book: p. 230: Sacrifice is the foundation stone of what is to come. You should carry the monastery within yourself. p. 232: The wealth of the soul exists in images. p. 233: You should say, “The life I can still live I should live. And the thoughts I could still think I should think.” p. 245: No one has my God, but my God has everyone. p. 263: If no outer adventure happens to you, then no inner in adventure happens to you either. p. 264: The soul demands your folly, not your wisdom. (in response to an old scholar in his visions who became rigid in his thinking.) p. 283: Bring your God with you. Bear him down to your dark land where people live who rub their eyes each morning and yet always see the same thing and never anything else. (
Uploaded on Feb 12, 2017 by Suzan Hamer


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