Artwork Title: Schwäne (Swans)

Schwäne (Swans), 1906

Carl Thiemann

Artwork Title: Schwäne (Swans)Artwork Title: Schwäne (Swans)Artwork Title: Schwäne (Swans)
There was a comment from a reader in Colorado today with one of those wonderful good-luck stories about a picture he inherited from his great aunt. She was born in Hungary and when she died about 20 years ago, they had the picture and took it to the framer's who rang back to say he had found another image hidden underneath: Carl Thiemann's Schwane, from about 1916. Why you would want to hide something like that, I don't know, but my reader now has the Thiemann on the wall.... True to form, Thiemann, when he had made a successful print, went in for other versions... And there I was, thinking to myself, I should think someone will now send in yet another version of Thiemann's Schwane only to find that my reader's version is different from the first two I have posted. So, here it is, and thanks to Mike for starting off one more Thiemann post. Where will it end? []
13 x 9 in
Uploaded on Feb 8, 2018 by Suzan Hamer

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