Bathroom Sink, 1994

Catherine Murphy

In Bathroom Sink, the view is of a round sink partially filled with water, which is doubled in the mirror, which occupies the upper third of the painting, and is separated from the sink by a ceramic backsplash. We are looking down at a figure 8, whose bottom edge (the sink’s rim) abuts the painting’s bottom physical edge, as if we are standing at the sink, and whose top does the same with the canvas’s top edge. The circular rimmed sink tilts back slightly, capped by 2 stainless steel handles for hot and cold water... Pictorially speaking, the painting consists of 2 planes. One plane has a hole dug out of it (the sink), while the other reflects what is in front of it. The 2 planes are joined perpendicularly, at the intersection of the sink and mirror... In an interview with Murphy by Francine Prose (Bomb 53, Fall 1995), we learn that originally: 'It started off as a painting without hair, a painting about the figure 8..."
51 x 44 in
Uploaded on Apr 12, 2015 by Suzan Hamer


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