大寒 Dahan (Major cold)
Dahan supposed to be the coldest term in the year (at least from the name it means major cold,) but it seems like in many cases Xiaohan is colder. Usually it’s between 1/20-1/21. In 2017 it’ll be 1/20.
First pentad: Time to hatch chickens.
Second pentad: Eagles and falcons hunt actively.
Last pentad: Ice layer of a lake become thickest in the year.
From the pentad I got my animal eagle, and pose him as if he is hunting. For the color, compared with the softer blue of Xiaohan, I used darker purple for Dahan. The gradient blue and the frozen effect on his feet is referring to the thickest ice layer from the pentad. For veggie I pick radish…..although I didn’t use radish itself, I used the leaves as his tail. I had found a proverb from China: Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, keeps the doctor away.