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From an interview with DanMcCarthy:
Lara Cory: There are recurring images in your paintings, art prints, drawings, and posters. We see telephone poles and wires, silhouettes of forests at night, skeletons beneath flower bushes, dotted winter landscapes, bare trees against solid color backgrounds, and houses with the lights left on in the dead of night. What interests you about these specific images, running through your body of work?
Dan McCarthy: Well, I was first attracted to telephone wires and poles because I liked the idea of drawing attention to something that was generally overlooked or ignored. Also, the variety of intersecting lines are a lot of fun to draw. I use
LC: I love how you’ve established a body of work in a variety of mediums. What types of methods or techniques do you use in your paintings, prints and posters?
Dan McCarthy: Thank you. My posters and prints are screen printed. I start with a pen and ink drawing, and then I scan the drawing into Photoshop and add the color on different layers. From Photoshop, I print out films of each color layer and expose each layer onto a screen. After that, I begin the printing process. All of my paintings share a similar, dominant style. This comes from the careful layering of each color and not using use more than 4 or 5 colors. You could say my painting style is more graphic than painterly.skeletons in my works to represent death. Much of my art explores the concept of death and rebirth.
LC: Here’s a question you probably get all the time . . . But where do these skills and talents come from? How did you develop into the artist you are today–with a distinct, not to mention extremely popular, line of art prints?
Dan McCarthy: Ha, ha... I studied art in Boston (The School of the Museum of Fine Arts). And there, I just took all sorts of classes: drawing, painting, animation, etching, lithography, screen printing...."