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"Ellen de Groot, born 1959 in Groningen, The Netherlands. Professional Artist for more than 20 years. Lives in Amsterdam. Technique: Oil on panel. "After a foundation course in Art and drawing followed with a fashion-design course, I discovered around my 25th year 'the wonderful world of oil-paint'. Almost my whole life I had been drawing, but oil paint was a straightforward revelation. 'Love at first sight' ".
My main inspirational sources are the Flemish Primitives, Memling, Rogier van der Weyden as well as Hans Holbein. Their work is the model of perfection in painting technique, material-expression, composition and the use of color. It breathes the peace and harmony which I also want in my own work. The depiction of women is the most important theme in my work. Furthermore the painting of tissue and the quality of cloth-materials is of considerable importance.
Galerie Mokum, Amsterdam Frisia Museum, 2002 PAN Amsterdam Karmelklooster Drachten (Netherlands), september 2005 -januari 2006, self portraits by prominent Dutch realistic painters The Exhibition 'New Dutch Realism' in the National Arts Club in New York 31 October - 12 November 2006 The exhibition `New Dutch Realism' is an initiative of the annual art fair REALISME. An exquisite collection of contemporary Dutch realistic and figurative art is presented by nine well-established galleries from the Netherlands. The exhibition is held in the prestigious National Arts Club's historic Tilden Mansion in New York. Ellen de Groot is represented by Galerie Mokum from Amsterdam with two new paintings. "