Francesca Woodman (April 3, 1958 – January 19, 1981), the daughter of artist-parents (her mother Betty, a ceramicist and sculptor and her father George, a painter and photographer), was an American modernist photographer who started taking pictures at the age of 13. She was that young when she took her first self-portrait. Woodman was fond of taking black and white photographs, oftentimes of herself, nude, and set in abandoned, dilapidated, dusty, ruined, and wrecked set-ups — with crumbling & peeling paint and faded & tarnished wallpapers — that she contributed a lot to the genre of self-portraiture. Because she usually hid herself in self-portraits, her style was referred to as “anti-portraits.” Woodman’s works which imbued a singularity of style envisioned an artistic and productive life cut short. It was 1981 and she was only 22 years young when she committed suicide. Her untimely death did not only... []
Uploaded on Feb 14, 2018 by Suzan Hamer


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