Frida Kahlo to Emmy Lou Packard, October 24, 1940

Frida Kahlo

... [a letter] from Frida Kahlo — who was a prolific letter writer, most notably of gorgeous and profound illustrated love letters to Diego Rivera — thanking muralist Emmy Lou Packard for taking such good care of Rivera during his trip to San Francisco. The couple had divorced a year earlier, and yet Kahlo writes, illustrating the letter with lipsticked smooches: Kiss Diego for me and tell him I love him more than my own life. Kahlo and Rivera remarried a few weeks later and remained together, not without tumult, until death did them part. Years later, as he recalled first meeting the teenage Kahlo, Rivera would consider her “the most important fact” of his life. []
Uploaded on Jan 19, 2018 by Suzan Hamer


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