Artwork Title: Thief Stealing a Thief

Thief Stealing a Thief, 2016

Gabriel Grün

"This work of modest size is a sort of wink to the aesthetics of Odd Nerdrum, whose aesthetics I had in the eye of the mind when I devised it. Having said that, it is a good example of how sometimes the finished work diverges from the idea, in my intention the painting was much more ocher in chroma, and made on a freely way, with bolder brushstrokes and constructors of form .. but that's the thing, painting often depends on what the painter can really do, what it is, for more influences or imitations that he intends to follow. The result anyway makes me happy. I wanted to give it a certain birdish air, with a memory of those thieves of eggs who plundered the Great Faike to sell them for their rarity, or the same birds that steal eggs to feed themselves. The general air had to make the figure inhabit this world of archetypes, of course, with the intention of fixing a new one, and settle their actions as exemplars."
Uploaded on Oct 1, 2017 by Suzan Hamer

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