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Strategic Planner and Creation Director at the French communications agency Infoflash, 46-year old Grégoire Guillemin, aka “Léon”, refuses to let his childhood passions fade quietly into the past. Science fiction, comic books, and video games still reign. From 1930’s vintage to modern day Pop Art, his artworks rediscover and reinvent styles through experimentation with variegated, minimalistic techniques. As a leading actor in the “Geek Art” movement, Grégoire doesn’t see himself as an artist, rather as an “Eclectic Graphical Gamer.” While each one of his projects attain international success on the web, a few of his best known include “Exercises of Style” and “Famous Capsules”. Also among the most popular, Grégoire’s collection “Pop Icons” is a humorous inside peek at the hidden, yet colorful and slightly steamy, life of our most beloved heroes.