Artwork Title: Still Life

Still Life

Henry Hensche

Here's what Henry Hensche has to say about Monet: "The landscape helped Monet determine how color expressing the light key was the first ingredient in a painting, not drawing. And now the problem could be solved as to how to pursue this. Today, painting study has become a science. I guess science means having a method, to follow a path. If you read about Monet’s struggle for this realization, you find out that it wasn’t handed to him on a silver platter. He had no one to go to. He was an iconoclast, destroying a past conception, but unlike others, he put a better idea in its place that has proven itself to be true. Today, it is a new language of visual expression. One fact to understand here, as to what made it possible, is the augmentation of the painter’s palette with new and varied pigments. More intense colors gave Monet a greater keyboard to express the endless varieties in the melody of nature. So he pushed our vision into the 20th century. Painting before Monet was ancient, and after Monet, by those who understood it, became modern in the truest sense of the word." []
Uploaded on May 30, 2018 by Suzan Hamer

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