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ID photo: Selfie by Hugo
On Midsummer’s Day 1873, twin boys were born to Colonel Niclas and Ebba Mathilda Simberg in Hamina. Hugo and his brother Paul grew up in an extended family environment.... Simberg’s childhood seems to have been exceptionally harmonious and safe....
The artistic career did not prove to be an easy one, however. Light and dark sometimes alternated quite intensely in Hugo Simberg’s life. Being of a sensitive and compassionate nature, the ups and downs of life occasionally dragged him into a depression, then at times he felt exhilarated and in love with the whole world. Yet humor was never far away and made itself known all the time.
After marrying at 36, Simberg dedicated himself to his family with the same zeal as he had dedicated himself to art. He did not have long to enjoy this much-awaited stage in his life, however. A sudden illness ended his life at 44 on a summer holiday on 11 July 1917.
By the time of his memorial exhibition in 1918, Simberg’s importance was universally recognised and the similarities between his art and that of medieval and early Renaissance masters were pointed out. Since then, Simberg and his art have fascinated every new generation of viewers.(
Hugo Gerhard Simberg (24 June 1873 - 12 July 1917); Finnish symbolist painter and graphic artist.
Simberg's paintings emphasize mainly macabre and supernatural topics. ....Another theme in Simberg's work is pre-pubescent boys...
See also: