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"Jeff Hanson (born 30 September 1993) is a philanthropic artist from Overland Park, Kansas. Jeff is visually impaired from an optic nerve tumor (he nick-named CLOD) associated with a genetic condition called neurofibromatosis. The tumor caused severe vision loss in 2005, requiring chemotherapy and radiation. Despite his low vision, Jeff sees well enough to continue creating brilliant artwork—a “sight for sore eyes,” he calls it.
Imagine a world dipped in bright colors, and celebrated Artist Jeff Hanson’s many-hued story begins to unfold. “A painting isn’t finished until the purple goes on,” says the young entrepreneur, who cherishes purple eyeglasses, purple-splashed, custom-painted cummerbunds and purple Izod shirts.
As a response to adversity, Jeff chose to focus on what he can do rather than what he can’t do. Jeff can’t drive a car but he can effortlessly apply broad strokes of vibrant colors to a canvas in what has become an unmistakable signature style.
Life according to Jeffrey Owen Hanson is about “lessons learned.” Live life with a purpose. Don’t let your CLOD define you. Generosity begets generosity. Be passionate in everything you do."