Lyra, 2015

Jessica Roux

Play - Healing Power of the Arts The great musician Orpheus was said to have the ability to charm all living things with his music. His instrument of choice was the lyra -- invented by Hermes, but perfected by Orpheus. Upon his death, Orpheus’ lyra was cast into the river, but Zeus ordered an eagle to retrieve the instrument. Zeus placed Lyra and Eagle among the stars. Lyra’s upright meaning is refers to the healing abilities of the arts. Creativity can be acted upon in endless mediums: music, writing, painting, building -- these are remedies for whatever one may be going through. Reversed, an individual may be encountering a stumbling block when approaching creativity as a healing solution. Lyra recommends that one does not give up, but continues to pursue their creation through collaboration, be it the feedback of a friend, or putting together a band.


Wait what?