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John Caple was born in 1966. He is entirely self-taught and as untroubled by contemporary art as he is unbothered by academic training and his work requires neither.
"John Caple lives and work in Somerset.... His work is rooted in the landscape and histories of the Mendip Hills and their environs but Caple also explores the connections between the physical and interior landscapes that people hold within themselves, drawing on the prose and poetry of Coleridge, Keats and others and the historical writings of Richard Jefferies and John Clare.
'I wish to approach this series of paintings as a continuous and interlocking series of tableaus. The woodland will represent a dark, interior landscape and each scene a small drama of figures from key sections of the play that will lead from one panel to the next, reaching ever deeper into the dream. The central piece will be a small group of recumbent figures, blissfully unaware of their observers. All but one will be sleeping and he who has awoken will stare directly out of the painting perhaps to describe Puck’s final words. Instead of reading from left to right the series will begin at the edges, bright and open landscapes and move deeper into the centre, into the dark heart of the oneiric wood. This way I can use inversion and reflection across the paintings – the unseen and enchantment by the overwhelming presence of nature will be key themes. The figure of Puck as Robin Goodfellow in his capacity as a shape-shifting trickster will appear in each tableau in a different guise; a black pony, a broomsquire, an empty chair, for example. Bottom and his fellow actors will appear as a group of traditional mummers, Bottom naturally wearing the mask of an ass. Oberon and Titania will remain unseen but their presence will be strongly felt.'"