Artwork Title: Illustration for Shakespeare's King Lear:  Act IV, Scene 2. Goneril to Edmund

Illustration for Shakespeare's King Lear: Act IV, Scene 2. Goneril to Edmund, 1930

John Erskine James Yunge-Bateman

“This kiss, if it durst speak, / Would stretch thy spirits up into the air.” A 1930 edition of the play (first performed in 1606) has turned up on eBay; its illustrations offer a vision you might not recognize from your high school English lit class. The drawings are by John Yunge-Bateman, who has clearly studied Aubrey Beardsley’s work. Yunge (as he signs his images) has a knack for...!prettyPhoto
Uploaded on Aug 31, 2016 by Suzan Hamer

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