Cashmere, 1908

John Singer Sargent

Cashmere (French: cachemire) is an oil on canvas painting by an American artist and the leading portrait painter John Singer Sargent. It was completed in c.1908 and is based on Realism style by use of painting genre. The dimensions of the painting is 71.1 by 109.2 centimeters and is housed in a private collection. The painting is of Sargent's niece, Reine Ormond, in an exotic cashmere shawl in seven different poses. Reine would have been about 11 years old. It was painted by Sargent when he was on holiday in the Italian Alps. Marcel Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase of 1912 was also painted in transition to this painting. ( The delicate features are those of the artist's niece Reine, then eleven, who confirmed me in later life that she had been the model for the picture. Though it is her face that appears five times, she received some help from other members of the party in modeling the costumes. "I also posed for the drapery(not the heads) of several figures in Cashmere," wrote Dorothy Barnard to David McKibbin in 1947. She went on to say that the heads had been painted from Rose-Marie but corrected this in a postscript: "I believe that in the procession of Persian Shawls Reine Ormond is the figure. Rose-Marie was the 2nd girl's name." Sargent Abroad by Richard Ormond et al., page 93 (
Uploaded on Oct 26, 2017 by Suzan Hamer


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