Spanish Fountain, 1902

John Singer Sargent

Colors rarely translate well in art books, photographs, and online, and although I have seen reproductions of John Singer Sargent’s Spanish Fountain many times before, I have never been quite sure whether the painting was done in warm tones, as above [see added view], or cool [darker] tones, as below [see added view]... panish Fountain was in the exhibition American Watercolor, and now that I have actually seen the painting, I know that it is painted in warm hues and that it is more like the top reproduction than the second, but neither of the above images does Sargent’s Spanish Fountain justice. John Singer Sargent’s handling of light in his watercolors borders on magic. You cannot detect it in either of the above reproductions, but Sargent also suggests more detail in the faces of the cherubs than the reproductions depict. I have always liked Singer’s work, but until I saw his actual paintings, I never fully experienced them. Now that I have actually seen Sargent’s watercolors, my appreciation of Sargent has moved to another level. (
Uploaded on Oct 26, 2017 by Suzan Hamer


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