Artwork Title: Mrs. Theodore Atkinson Jr. (Frances Deering Wentworth)

Mrs. Theodore Atkinson Jr. (Frances Deering Wentworth), 1765

John Singleton Copley

Artwork Title: Mrs. Theodore Atkinson Jr. (Frances Deering Wentworth)Artwork Title: Mrs. Theodore Atkinson Jr. (Frances Deering Wentworth)
... a truly remarkable work of art. Copley, the most talented portraitist of his time, has rendered silk, pearls, and other difficult textures with great skill. For this reason, a portrait by Copley was highly prized, and spoke volumes about your standing in the community. The less apparent truth in this work is that it’s a statement about being in the colonies. Mrs. Atkinson holds a gold chain attached to a...
Uploaded on Aug 2, 2016 by Suzan Hamer

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