Jane Digby, Lady Ellenborough, 1831

Joseph Karl Stieler

Wow! This woman lived quite a life. I'm surprised no one's made a movie about her yet, starring Meryl Streep, who is magically able to time-travel back to her youth so she can act out Jane's entire life. Oh. There's a website: http://www.lind.org.zw/people/janedigby/JaneDigby.htm [sh] Jane Elizabeth Digby, Lady Ellenborough (3 April 1807- 11 Aug. 1881); English aristocrat who lived a life of romantic adventure, spanning decades and 2 continents. She had 4 husbands and many lovers, including King Ludwig I of Bavaria, his son King Otto of Greece, statesman Felix Schwarzenberg, and a Greek general. She died in Damascus, Syria, as the wife of Arab Sheikh Medjuel el Mezrab, 20 years her junior. ...Considered promiscuous for her times, she was first married to Edward Law, 2nd Baron Ellenborough (later Earl of Ellenborough)... At the time of her marriage, Jane was described as tall, with a perfect figure. She had a lovely face, pale-gold hair.... (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Digby)
Uploaded on Nov 1, 2016 by Suzan Hamer


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