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Jules Cavé was born in Paris on 14 January 1859. Today, sadly, too little biographical detail is recorded for the artist. His life appears to have been particularly peaceful and he was never one of those mundane artists whose work appeared in every salon of the day, neither was he the subject of scandal.
A passion for art coupled with a keen disposition for drawing and painting led the young Cavé to begin his career as a painter in 1877, as a pupil of the Académie Julian. Here, he found himself among the pupils of William Bouguereau and Tony Robert-Fleury. He does not appear to have been taught by any other masters.
He completed his studies at the Académie Julian in 1879. From a letter written by Bouguereau to his daughter, Henriette, in 1886, we know that Cavé had attended Bouguereau’s studio, rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs at about the same time as the Académie, and after this. In fact, Cavé became a close friend of Bouguereau’s, although the relationship was certainly not as close as the one his master shared with the Cot, Perrault, Bramtot or Delobbe families.
There is virtually no information on Cavé’s professional activities between 1879 and 1885, when he presented the Portrait de M.C… as his first painting to the Paris Salon (no.495). Cavé married in March of the following year; he also presented two paintings at the Salon, one of which, Une martyre aux catacombes, earned him a medal of 'Troisième classe'. From then onwards, Cavé exhibited at the Paris Salon every year, with a few rare exceptions, until 1939. He died in Paris in 1940. (