Justice - Aquarius, 2015

Katy Farina

Social Justice - Radical Effort - Rebellion Aquarius rules the eleventh house, the house of friendship, social organization, and destiny. The zodiacal sign Aquarius is pictured as the Water Bearer, an individual providing life and replenishing the world around them with their energy. This sign is seen as idealistic and individualistic, often expressing lofty goals on how they will better the world with their efforts. Aquarius people are champions of self-expression and often tend to run things on their own terms. They are not only unique but different, and they may want to distance themselves from “the norm” as they mature. Occasionally resorting to shock tactics, but more often acting out of their own philosophical goals, Aquarius tends to display their intentions rather than talk about them. Though they seem to be more concerned with their personal philosophy than with making friends, they do have a particularly strong sense of social justice and gravitate toward humanitarian efforts. In a reading, the Aquarius card indicates a time to embrace one’s rebellious side. Now is the time to harness one’s attitude, and use it as a source of motivation to do things “my way.” Sometimes one must go forth alone, regardless of the group’s expectations. The results of one’s efforts will have a lasting effect, even if it rubs a few people the wrong way. Reversed, a person may be displaying one of Aquarius’ less favorable characteristics -- such as assuming a superior attitude or acting out in a particularly provocative manner -- and there may not be anything to do but wait it out. Patience and the ability to read between the lines to what is really on their minds might give a person more clarity into their actions.


Wait what?