Artwork Title: Sum of the Parts

Sum of the Parts

Lisa Trujillo

Artwork Title: Sum of the PartsArtwork Title: Sum of the Parts
"Sometimes I weave pieces from bits of leftover yarn. At this point in time I had some incredibly bright colors I had been collecting for quite a while, some of which was dyed by a good friend. At last I could see a way to use all this vibrant color in a piece. So the title of this piece has to do with all the bits that have been brought together here. But it also is true of many of our pieces. We are weaving a bunch of little shapes, and what matters in the end is how they all fit together; i.e., the whole has to be greater than the sum of the parts." This type of handwoven wool blanket is commonly used as a wall hanging, or draped over the back of a couch. This piece has rainbow colors as a background color and rainbow included in its design. It uses mixed dyes, which means that at least some of these yarns are from natural dyes, and some of these yarns were hand dyed or commercially dyed. It was woven by Lisa Trujillo who is a spinner and weaver with more than 30 years of weaving in the Chimayo and Rio Grande tradition, Lisa has won many awards at Spanish Market. (
48 x 72 in
Uploaded on Sep 3, 2016 by Suzan Hamer

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