The writer at notes that the presence of the WTC twin towers in the background make the date of the painting suspect.. In my opinion [sh], she could have started the painting before 9/11/01 and decided to leave the towers as they were. Who knows? Or, she could have completed the painting before 9/11. I don't think the date of the painting really makes any difference. [sh]
There’s no story. I don’t want to tell stories. Other people always read things into your work, which you can never see. That’s fine, that’s great. For me it was just exciting to look at it and try to do something with it. — Lois Dodd
Everything I say is only true in some limited way. — Lois Dodd.
It's not like I go out there excited. I just go out to paint. Then, in the middle of the process, if all goes well, it becomes exciting. — Lois Dodd