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Lorena Carrington
Lorena has been a practicing artist and professional photographer for more than 10 years. She lives and works in Castlemaine, Victoria, and is happy to be able to weave her love for photography, design and writing into her professional and personal life. Her daughters, born in 2003 and 2005, despite leaving two child sized gaps in her CV, have influenced her practice for the better.
Artist Statement
Lorena Carrington uses digital techniques to montage her photographs, creating layered images that aim to occupy the veiled place between our world and 'the other'. The other place may reside for some through the looking glass, in the nostalgic magic of myths and fairy tales, in scientific wonder, or in something as fleeting as a sense of poignancy in a brief
human connection. The sudden glimpse of that place pierces us, and draws a tingling thread through our being. It is thegoose-bump moment, when suddenly our sense of the world shifts momentarily, almost imperceptibly, and makes us pause.
Lorena's Willow Pattern photographs explore the nostalgia many of us feel around the design that lives somewhere in the cupboards of the most long-occupied houses, and break though the flat plate to the mythical world behind. They also question the very English construct of the Chinese myth that supposedly influenced the original pattern.
Silhouettes play a vital part in Lorena's Fairy Tale works, referencing early illustrations and pressing her subjects into a restricted plane. The perspective of the backgrounds are often tilted or upended, adding to a sense of irreality, and giving a
shifting glimpse through the looking glass.