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Max E.H. Gundlach; born in Breslau, Germany in 1883. Emigrated to America and became a noted painter and illustrator. Gundlach studied at the Art Institute of Chicago and soon excelled as a landscape painter. Between 1900 and 1904, his paintings were shown in the prestigious, juried Annual Exhibitions of Art Institute of Chicago. He became an active member of the city's established Palette and Chisel Club. In addition to easel painting, Gundlach completed numerous commissioned illustrations, including a summer nocturne used as the cover piece for the 1923 season Ravinia Festival catalogue. The artist continued to paint well into his early 90s. He passed away in 1958.
The Jan. 22, 1915 Chicago Tribune tells a little different story:
This Picture Disclosed Artist Who Hid His Talent 35 Years.
Max Gundlach was transformed from a plodder into a painter over night. Artists point to his 43 paintings now on exhibition in the Palette and chisel club at 59 E. van Buren St. For 35 years Max Gundlach, retiring man of drooping mustaches and few words, was known about the club as the "commercial artist from Rogers Park." He was a genius at decorating "railroad" folders -- that was all. Last week several artist went browsing through the plodder's studio in Rogers Park. They found all sorts of atmosphere, composition, and feeling going to waste on many neglected canvases in the studio. ... the club insisted upon an immediate exhibition of the paintings. They loaded the art on a van by force, as the artist was unwilling to believe in his own arrival.
After working as a wood cut engraver for 10 years, the painter said he then took up commercial work. On his days off and in long afternoons he painted scenes around his own dooryard in Rogers Park. With his daughter Jennie and his wife for models, he...