Woman in a Yellow Dress, 1899

Max Kurzweil

Woman in a Yellow Dress is a stunning painting of his beautiful wife Martha. Her arms are draped over the back of a chaise longue [sic] which is upholstered in a green patterned fabric, as she gazes out at us in a languid and relaxed pose. There is a supreme look of contentment in her expression. The yellow dress with its many tones is in total harmony with the sofa and compliments her pale limbs. (https://mydailyartdisplay.wordpress.com/2011/01/30/woman-in-a-yellow-dress-by-max-kurzweil/) "...her body language and how she’s sitting – it’s so unconventional for the time it was painted. She’s not some shy, demure little lady. She is a confident, feisty woman in a fabulous dress. You may be looking at her but she’s looking right back at you asking “What are you looking at?” – she is just amazing. I wonder if the artist Maximillian Kurzweil told her to pose that way or if she decided to herself." (https://thislifeandtimes.com/2013/11/18/lady-in-yellow-dress/)
Uploaded on Sep 15, 2016 by Suzan Hamer


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