Self Portrait, 1940

Meijer Bleekrode

Meijer Bleekrode was the son of Benjamin Bleekrode and Regina Boekman. The entire Bleekrode family worked in the diamond industry. Meijer Bleekrode learned to polish diamonds, but felt drawn to the art world. After completing his art education at the Quelliniusschool and Rijksnormaalschool, he decided to use his artistic talents for the socialist cause. His designs for the SDAP and the Algemeen Nederlandse Diamantbewerkersbond [the diamond-workers’ union] included posters and book covers. From 1927, he illustrated De Notenkraker, the Sunday supplement to the newspaper Het Volk. In August 1942, Meijer Bleekrode went into hiding with his wife and two children. He and his wife were captured and deported. After the war the two children collected the art works of Meijer Bleekrode, and eventually donated them to the Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam. []
Uploaded on Apr 18, 2018 by Suzan Hamer


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