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Moses Worthman (1911–1992).
Born Brooklyn, New York, raised in East Greenbush, Albany, New York.
Education:The Art Students League
Studied with George Bridgman (was monitor) & Frank V. DuMond
One Person Exhibitions: Ahda Artzt Gallery, New York City; Albany Institute of History and ArtState Bank of Albany; The Belanthi Gallery, Brooklyn, New York; Francesca Anderson Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts; Terrill Gallery, Scotch Plain, New Jersey; Long Beach Public Library, New York
Group Exhibitions: National Academy of Design; American Watercolor Society; Allied Artists of America; Audubon Artists; Hudson Valley Art Association; Knickerbocker ArtistsNational Arts Club, New York City; New Jersey Painters and Sculptors; Long Beach Art Association, New York; Art U.S.A., Grand Junction, Colorado; San Diego Watercolor Society; Museo de la Acuarella, Mexico City; North Shore Arts Association, Gloucester, Mass.; Albany Institute of History and Art; Salmagundi Club
Awards: City of Albany Gold Medal for Art; American Watercolor Society High Winds Medal and Barse Miller Memorial Award; Hudson Valley Art Assn. and Long Beach Art Assn.
Awards of Merit: National Arts Club Medal of Honor, Heydenryk Award and Exhibitions Committee Award; Painters & Sculptors Society of New Jersey; Winsor Newton Award; Knickerbocker Artists Silver MedalNorth Shore Art Association A.T. Hibbard AwardAllied Artists of America Silver Medal of Honor; Georgia Watercolor Society Liquitex Award and Munford Award Salmagundi Award
Gold Medal City of Albany; American Watercolor Society Traveling Exhibitions