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Artist statement
Particular levels of conscience - urban experimental visions
Luminous devices reveal spaces and tend to destabilize the usual reference points. My installations invite the public to enter the places saturated with intense lights and chromatic variations determined by certain wavelengths. They disturb the directions. The light transposes, modified and densify the visitor in a different space. As if the visitors are vacuumed in a luminous and moving immersion, which either causes a physical disturbance of the spacial references or a physiological disturbance of the perceptive one. The experimental space in its new luminous configuration becomes the physical and aesthetic experiment.
My research brought me to explore the influence of light on the human biological systems, and to try out the limits of perception and the psychotropic effects of the light. Light seems to reveal a constant influence on us, which declares the confrontation with the present.
The experimental space in its new luminous configuration stresses that these invested places are very often allow the visitors a total freedom to stroll in spaces without obstacles, empty but full of light.