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Nina Ai-Artyan is a photographer from Moscow. She graduated from Moscow State Textile Academy as an artist/designer and, for the 2 to 3 years that followed, worked in her field of training. In 2003, the camera became her artist's tool, photography her passion and, since then, she has only been able to concentrate on these.
As Nina has said from the very beginning of her photographic journey, she has been especially attracted to street photography as a genre, as something very desirable, but difficult. "The street, with all its variety, its occasional absurdity, and diversity... the photographer must have the ability to see and combine these seeming incompatibilities. For the photographer it is an ideal place, that is, for a photographer who appreciates spontaneity and prefers to observe and follow—and extract from—the ordinary, yet unexpected."
"I've lived in Moscow for most of my life (though, originally I'm Armenian). In 2003, I picked up a camera for the first time. Since then, it is my life—the main thing in it. It wasn't a conscious choice. It's just something that I can't live without. I don't know what can I tell you about myself, except perhaps, through my photos—about what I see, think and feel. I am happy when they provoke a response."
Also, she says: "For me, street photography is the best way to convey the essence of the act of making an image, an image that appears immediately and reflects the instantaneous moment—by the forming of these strange combinations—but then disappears again, within a second, completely irrespective of the photographer's will. The only thing the photographer really needs is to see the moment—feel it."