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"Tucked away in the supernatural blueprint of Ray Caesar's imagination there lies a secret maze of passages were time, memory and experience twist together to reveal hidden rooms of thrilling discovery. Were one to walk these halls and dare peek into the chambers beyond, each cubbyhole would be filled with mystery, wonder and bewildering conjecture."
-John Purlia
Ray Caesar was born in 1958 in London. At an early age, his family moved to Canada, where he currently resides. From 1977-80 he attended Ontario College of Art, followed by 17 years from 1980-96 working in the art & photography department of the Hospital For Sick Children in Toronto, in their art therapy program.
Coupled with inspiration from surrealists Kahlo and Dali, Caesar's experiences at the hospital continue to influence his artwork. His haunting imagery is created digitally using 3D modeling software called Maya, mastered while working in digital animation for television and film industries from 1998-2001. In 1999, Caesar received a Primetime Emmy Nomination for Outstanding Special Effects in a series.