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Sergey Iukhimov was a famous Ukrainian artist. His art collection includes more than 1100 works. He was mainly engaged in illustrating books аs a graphic artist. He illustrated more than 10 books. Since 1995 he was a member of The Artist’s Union. His works were reproduced in magazines: Mallorn, Amon Hen (England), Atelas (Denmark), Urania, If (Russia), ukrainian magazines, etc. He was also a member of the Association of European Artists and a participant of All-Soviet Union, Republican and regional exhibitions.
S. B. Iukhimov illustrated the edition of trilogy by J. R. R. Tolkien author of "Lord of the Rings" (published in 1993 in Russia), which gives the extraordinary value of sketches and original graphic works of this unique series. There are also a series of his illustrated works: «My Willy», dedicated to William Shakespeare, project of several years of work. Intricately executed black and white graphics on plots of Shakespeare's dramas «Othello», «How do you like it», «Twelfth Night», «King Lear».The series "East and West" - parallels and synthesis of cultures. The theme is revealed thru examples of oeuvre of the German Romantic Ernst Hoffmann "Little Zaches called Zinnober " (had a great influence on Russian literature) and Kozma Prutkov, illustrations for the "ABC for children." Sergei Iukhimov was able to create highly bright and well-defined images of characters and objects, using only black and red color on a white paper background. In his next series artist (as secular and religious person) tried to realize, who was those people that surrounded Jesus Christ and whom wrote the Gospel. His attempt is reflected in the portraits of the four evangelists. His evangelists are depicted in an avant-garde manner.