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Seyo Cizmic is a contemporary artist based in San Diego, CA. His education includes an MFA, specializing in painting.
...My work is influenced by the images and iconography from popular, contemporary culture, including advertising, music, television and magazines. I have a compelling drive to create images which explore, illustrate and express my personal thoughts and feelings. My work embodies a passionate response to the human condition: the comedies and tragedies of life and all of the wonderful experiences in between. The titles I give to my work tell a story that allows the artwork to be manipulated. My aim is not to answer the questions; ...
Humorous through the absurd representation of mundane objects and everyday situations, yet tragic in the profound meaning they bear, Cizmic raise essential questions regarding human condition today, commenting on the often nonsensical way we think, feel and act in relation to ourselves and the other.
... the artist exposes the irrational defining life, the patterns of human behavior and conflicting beliefs through surreal imagery, unsettling intersections of apparently antithetical ideas and visually powerful concepts meant to take the viewer out of his comfort zone and challenge him to consider new sides of the story beyond the safe and convenient interpretations.
Religion and war are recurrent themes, usually connected to highlight the cause and effect, as well as the true intentions and rewards behind the official discourses of dishonest empowerment, cherishing violence in the name of greed. Once the false ‘heroes’ are revealed, authority can be disputed and dismissed, as in the case of ‘Everyone Has a Song in Their Hearts’. And perhaps in this lies the greatness of the artist’s endeavor, guiding us to finally hear the inner song, note by note until lucidity overcomes dissonance.