Interior, 1917

Stanislav Zhukovsky

Zhukovsky was a whole-hearted Impressionist, with his rough brushwork, sometimes skewed perspective, and often wildly vivid, unexpected color. In many of his paintings that color is so saturated - and saturating - that it almost becomes a pattern in itself, the real reason behind the image. But in his work... he still manages to wonderfully capture the sense that these rooms are truly lived in: the breeze ruffling the leaves in the trees beyond the flung-open windows, and birdsong; the warmth of the sun streaming in and the smell of that warmth on the upholstery and rugs and polished wood, the smell of books and cut flowers; the creak of the floorboards as, just out of view, the people who inhabit these rooms go about their lives. (
Uploaded on Oct 23, 2014 by Suzan Hamer


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