Portrait of Lily KUFFNER

Tamara De Lempicka

... Lily KUFFNER was the artist's stepdaughter and was painted by her as well. The two stepsisters crossed into Portugal and in July 1940 sailed on the Nea Hellas from Lisbon to New York, rejoining their parents. [http://sousamendesfoundation.org/family/kuffner-lempicka] As Louisanne recalled in later years, ‘When the Second World War broke out in 1939, my step sister Kizette and I were in France, my brother Peter was in Scotland, and my parents, Baron Raoul Kuffner de Dioszegh and my stepmother, the artist Tamara de Lempicka, were in the United States. They could not return to Europe and we had to apply for immigration visas to the US. It was the end of July, 1940, when Kizette and I arrived in Beverly Hills…It was at this time that Tamara de Lempicka began a full length portrait of me. Unfortunately, she did not finish it that summer…as a result, the full length painting was never completed.' [https://www.stephenongpin.com/object/790276/0/portrait-of-louisanne-kuffner-de-dioszegh]
Uploaded on Jun 16, 2018 by Suzan Hamer


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