Marguerite Gachet at the Piano, 1890

Vincent van Gogh

"Rumor goes that Van Gogh was very fond of the 20 year old woman, and she probably felt the same, but her father (Vincent’s doctor) kept them apart." "I am also going to paint a portrait of his daughter, who is nineteen years old", Vincent wrote his sister Wilhelmina on June 5, 1890. June 28, 1890 he wrote Theo about this portrait: “Yesterday and the day before I painted Mlle. Gachet's portrait, which I hope you will see soon; the dress is pink, the wall in the background green with orange spots, the carpet red with green spots, the piano dark violet; it is 1 metre high by 50 cm wide. It is a figure that I painted with pleasure - but it is difficult". (
40 x 20 in
Uploaded on Dec 30, 2015 by Suzan Hamer


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