"Rumor goes that Van Gogh was very fond of the 20 year old woman, and she probably felt the same, but her father (Vincent’s doctor) kept them apart." http://painting-is-poetry.tumblr.com/post/136234066895/dappledwithshadow-vincent-van-gogh-marguerite
"I am also going to paint a portrait of his daughter, who is nineteen years old", Vincent wrote his sister Wilhelmina on June 5, 1890.
June 28, 1890 he wrote Theo about this portrait: “Yesterday and the day before I painted Mlle. Gachet's portrait, which I hope you will see soon; the dress is pink, the wall in the background green with orange spots, the carpet red with green spots, the piano dark violet; it is 1 metre high by 50 cm wide.
It is a figure that I painted with pleasure - but it is difficult". (http://www.tfsimon.com/auvers-sur-oise.html)