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Artwork Title: The White House at Night

The White House at Night, 1890

Vincent van Gogh

Artwork Title: The White House at NightArtwork Title: The White House at Night
June, 1890. War booty. Formerly in the collection (98 paintings and 18 statues are recorded) of Otto Krebs, owner of the estate Holzdorf. In the period of the Nazis he had to hide his collection in his cellar. He died in 1941. His wife Frieda Kwast and the Krebs-Scharlach Foundation were his heirs. After 1947 the Russians took the collection with them to Russia. 78 of the works of art were secretly stored in the basement of the Hermitage in Leningrad, 20 are disappeared. In 1995 the museum showed a collection of the stolen objects. (http://www.tfsimon.com/auvers-sur-oise.html)
23 x 29 in
Uploaded on Feb 2, 2018 by Suzan Hamer

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