Artwork Title: All Things Return To Their Source

All Things Return To Their Source

Walter Bowman Russell

This is an allegorical picture of the Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect. Everything that emanates from a galaxy, a sun, an atom or a human being comes back to its source. Similarly, every human being, atom, sun and galaxy returns in its own individual rhythm to its source in the Universal Oneness, in order to be re-emanated into the polarity of the manifested world. According to Russell, the rings radiated from suns become planets. Once these are old enough, their rings become moons and the radiation off the moons create comets, which eventually return to the sun, as illustrated in this painting. The feminine figure demonstrates the feminine, disintegrated, expanding, dissolving principal of all creation, therefore she is, just like the entire painting, painted with colours from the blue-green part of the colour spectrum. (
Uploaded on Apr 27, 2016 by Suzan Hamer

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