Illuminated by the sun. Marrakech, 1928

Zinaida Yevgenyevna Serebriakova

Zinaida Serebriakova had the opportunity to visit Morocco several times. Her first visit was in 1928... For the most part, she appears to have stayed in Marrakech, although she did take trips to Fez and other parts. She was endlessly fascinated with Morocco. In one of her letters, she wrote: “I am extremely amazed at all this. At the costumes of various colors and all races of men mingled here – negroes, Arabs, Mongols, Jews (so biblical!). I am so dazed from the novelty of impressions that I cannot decide what and how to draw.“ Admittedly, the commissions weren’t lucrative enough, as most of the money went to pay Zinaida’s models. ‘As soon as you sit to draw the women walk away – Arabs don’t wish to be drawn, so they immediately close up their shops or charge up to 10 or 20 francs for tea an hour!’ she wrote despairingly. She did, however, return to Paris with a treasure-trove of artwork... (
Uploaded on Mar 6, 2017 by Suzan Hamer


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