Baudelaire commented on the interplay of desire and frustration running through the series of portraits of Berthe Morisot that started at the 1869 Salon with The Balcony. The model, a young woman who did not fit well into her upper class background, also a painter and future active member of the “Impressionist group”, spoke highly of this painting which reminded her of Guys and Goya: “His paintings, as always, create the impression of wild fruit, slightly unripe even. I really like them.” The Balcony is disturbing, as much for its suspension in space and color contrasts as for the mystery and obstinate silence of the protagonists who ignore each other, looking outwards, disillusioned and fatalistic. Alongside Berthe Morisot, who sits like a fashion-plate model trapped in her own melancholy, Manet represented the violinist Fanny Claus and landscape artist Antoine Guillemet. Until 1874, when... []
67 x 49 in
Uploaded on Dec 16, 2015 by snioroze


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