Paris, Winter 1887-8. Van Gogh painted over 30 self portraits between 1886-9. His collection of self portraits places him among the most prolific self portraitists of all time. He used portrait painting as a method of introspection, a method to make money and a method of developing his skills as an artist. ( Van Gogh produced over 20 self portraits during his Parisian sojourn (1886–8). Short of funds but determined nevertheless to hone his skills as a figure painter, he became his own best sitter: "I purposely bought a good enough mirror to work from myself, for want of a model. This picture, which shows the artist's awareness of Neo-Impressionist technique and color theory, is one of several that are painted on the reverse of an earlier peasant study. ( See van Gogh's self portraits in chronological order at .
16 x 13 in
Uploaded on Dec 13, 2016 by Suzan Hamer


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