Houses and Billboards in Atlanta, 1936

Walker Evans

Evans was born in St. Louis in 1903 and started taking architectural, abstract photos while studying in Paris in 1926. Within a year of moving to New York, Hill said, the self-taught photographer was making “remarkably mature” street portraits with a Leica, whose quality rivaled those of French master Henri Cartier-Bresson. By the early 1930s, Evans had adopted a straightforward documentary style, which characterized his famous FSA photos recording the impacts of the Great Depression. This, like most of his work, was the result of a paid assignment. ...“Once you are immersed in Evans’s work, it is hard to see the world the same as before. You find less interest in the celebrity, the sensational, and the search for fine art. Evans taught several generations of us to not look for the classically beautiful subjects but to look for what we could find in the most ordinary.” []
Uploaded on Mar 10, 2018 by Suzan Hamer


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