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Artwork Title: Ad Astra (To The Stars)

Ad Astra (To The Stars), 1894

Akseli Gallen-Kallela

Artwork Title: Ad Astra (To The Stars)Artwork Title: Ad Astra (To The Stars)Artwork Title: Ad Astra (To The Stars)
...Ad Astra, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful European Symbolist paintings. A cosmic vision of the resurrection, of impressive plastic impact, this work, sacralized by an ecclesial frame, remained in the artist’s studio his whole life. (http://www.thearttribune.com/Akseli-Gallen-Kallela-1865-1931-A.html) Akseli Gallen-Kallela is renowned to this very day, as Finland's greatest artist. His wonderful paintings of the national epic The Kalevala helped shape the Finnish national identity. He also painted the Finnish upper class, as well as the circle of artists to which he belonged, Edvard Munch and Jean Sibelius among them. His oeuvre moved from a realistic and naturalistic portrayal of his subject matter towards a more Symbolist and linear approach, especially in his paintings of the Kalevala. He was also to spend his life painting the Finnish landscape.... (http://www.groningermuseum.nl/en/exhibition/akseli-gallen-kallela)
Uploaded on Sep 20, 2017 by ruby paiva

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