Profile Portrait of Delfina Boutet de Monvel, Wearing a Feather Hat by Jeanne Lanvin, 1926

Bernard Boutet De Monvel

This painting is a stepping stone in the artist's career. After the exhibition of this picture at the Anderson Galleries, New York, in 1926, Boutet de Monvel becomes one of the artists anyone should have. The lovingly detailed way the painter executed the feathers on Delfina's hat struck everyone, and portrait commissions flowed from then on. ( Delfina Edwards Bello comes from the prestigious Edwards family in Chili. Her brother Joaquìn Edwards Bello was a famous writer. She married Bernard Boutet de Monvel in 1921, after they met through the artist's brother, Roger, in Biarrtiz in 1917. The same year, Vogue chose to write an article on her taste for grand French designers. (
Uploaded on Mar 20, 2016 by Suzan Hamer


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