In Turkey Feathers and Indian Pot O’Keeffe presents a still life subject from her unique perspective, tilting the picture plane and framing the elements within adobe walls. “Typically, the artistic depiction of objects, the genre known as still life, is held to be a faithful representation of things in the real world” writes Elizabeth Hutton Turner. “But O’Keeffe claimed few distinctions between abstraction and representation in her work. By her own account, her aesthetic was informed by her ability to select, not to describe: ‘Nothing is less real than realism,’ she explained. ‘It is only by selection, by elimination, by emphasis that we get at the real meaning of things.’” ...
The composition of Turkey Feathers and Indian Pot is simplified to a bulbous black pot set against an adobe backdrop, with the plumed turkey feathers adding a natural element. O’Keeffe closely crops the picture plane...