Dutch title: Ruiter met de rode jas (Rider with a Red Jacket). At least one site gives the title as Heerrijder.
"...to my personal regret, neither in De Kunsthal nor in Kröller-Muller “The Red Rider” could be found. Nobody could tell me anything about this painting.
Then I made inquiries at the Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie (Documentation Center for Art History) in The Hague. There I had some luck.
The expert for 19th century Dutch painters was a
man called Leeuwenburgh. He told me an amaz-
ing story: his grandfather J.P. Leeuwenburgh IS
“The Red Rider!” J.P. Leeuwenburgh had asked
Israels in 1928 to paint him on his horse, Tristan.
But he was, according to his grandson, not at all
satisfied with the result and refused to accept the
painting. Israels then sent it to the Olympic art
competition and won the first prize. It is most
remarkable that a painting refused by the principal for lack of quality consequently got the Olympic gold medal. The grandson did not know where “The Red Rider” is at the moment. [Spring 2001] It must be in a private collection."