Portrait of Mrs. Marie Jeannette de Lange, 1900

Jan Toorop

Purchased by Vereniging Rembrandt in 2005. Marie Jeanette de Lange chaired the Vereeniging voor Verbetering van Vrouwenkleding (Association for the Improvement of Women’s Clothing), which championed hygienic, loose-fitting, natural clothing that allowed women greater freedom of movement. In February 1900 she posed at home, dressed comfortably, for Jan Toorop. Using tiny dots of colorful paint, he created a sparkling portrait of a modern woman on the threshold of a new century. Painted in a pointillist technique. The subject is placed to the right, facing towards the viewer, while studying a book in the light of a kerosene lamp. She is dressed in a pink dress, so-called reform clothing; her hair is simply piled up. On the table to the left, part of the kerosene lamp is seen, next to a vase of roses on a table covered with a floral cloth. Flowers in a large vase in the background blend with the pattern of the decorative wallpaper. [https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/collection/SK-A-4989]
28 x 30 in
Uploaded on Dec 5, 2015 by Hans van den Berg


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